
Bayshore - Rotunda


26' x 18’  |  Fridays are for fun | milwaukee, wi | 2021

This piece was created inside the BAYSHORE rotunda to flirt, entice and draw you in from afar—to remind us that play is an important part of life and that we should all take ourselves a little less seriously at times. As you get closer and arrive at the work in full view, you can see and experience all the layers, dimensions and textures from different angles. The bold lines and strong shapes create moments of tension, but feel playful, light and celebratory. It is as if the shapes are so excited they can no longer contain themselves and are physically popping out of the canvas—burring the lines of 2 dimensions and 3, inviting the viewer to step into that world. Originally painted on a small scale, the design was about color, mark making, gestural brush-strokes and spontaneity. On a large scale, Fridays are for Fun, is meant to contrast the stark white space of the atrium with a rhythmic arrangement of vibrant colors to reflect a range of human emotions and ultimately excite the viewer with a sense of wonder—what else is possible?

EmmaDaisy_Bayshore_m4_neon close up.png